Saturday, November 27, 2010

Finally, a REAL website!!!

After months of phone calls, skype chats and e-mails my website has finally been pushed and launched! In an effort to let the pros do what they do best and freeing up some time for me to spend in the studio, I finally have a website that was created by someone other than myself. My good friend Drew Bridewell did an amazing job and was able to create a site that goes far beyond anything I could have ever created. Please take a few moments to take a look around on it, give it a test drive. Thanks & enjoy:

Friday, October 29, 2010

Onggi & Carved Porcelain Workshop

One week from today I will be in Logan, Utah presenting traditional Korean Onggi coil/paddle methods and my carved porcelain techniques to the good folks and good friends (1,2) up at the Utah State University clay department! The workshop is on November 5 & 6 from 10-4. Hope you can make it!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Heesoo Lee

New work (2014 & 2015) by Heesoo Lee.  For more information and for purchase or exhibition inquiries please contact me directly through my website: Adam Field Pottery

Monday, August 2, 2010

"Flora" show open @ Schaller Gallery

I have some new work featured as part of the group show "Flora" at the Schaller [online] Gallery. Sales opened on the morning of August 1st and will continue throughout the month of August.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Land of Guns & Coors

Made a wood run down in New Mexico out on the BLM land behind my friend Cindy's wood kiln yesterday for the upcoming firing this weekend. I was struck by a few things; the beauty of the landscape, the interesting detail of the geology (vast clay depsoits & big chunks of petrified wood) and most of all, the abundance of Coors containers (of all sorts & vintage) and all manner of shell casings from various firearms. It turns out that there is quite a long tradition of littering this area with drink containers and weaponry, if you keep your eyes peeled, it's not so uncommon to come across pottery shards that are nearly 1000 years old and arrowheads are a common find too.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Busy Week

Well, it's official, summer is here. Isn't it supposed to be a bit more laid back this time of year?

It's been a full week starting with my first trip of the season down the Animas River here in Durango in my kayak. We've passed the peak high water by about 2 weeks, the water is almost clear and is at a level that suits my skill level just right.

Had a nice visit around a campfire with some of the local clay folks and Steve Schaeffer up from Flagstaff, AZ with his wife Janeece on their way to his opening at Shy Rabbit Contemporary Arts in Pagosa Springs, CO.

Got up bright and early the following morning and set up some of my wife's and my pots down at the Durango Farmers Market. What a great way to spend the morning, quality people, amazing local produce and a relaxing atmosphere, love it!

Our little baby girl Hana (7 mos.) finally decided it was time to sit up and went from novice to pro in the short span of this week, exciting times!

Our son Juno (6yrs.) was also inclined to take things to the next level and took his first leap off of the high dive at the local pool.

Also, I received notice yesterday from two juried shows I recently entered some pieces into, turns out I was awarded 1st runner up for both shows! The shows are still up, if you're in the area of either of them, stop in and have a look (links & more info below).

1st Runner-up, for "Untitled" Wood fired porcelain with Shino liner, 4.5 x 3.75 x 3.75", KC Clay Guild, 2010 Teabowl National (photo by G. Post). Juror: Pete Pinnell

1st Runner-up, for "Carved Vase #1" at "The Carved Vase Contest

And last, but not least, I had an interview and feature written up on Clayzilla Blog, "Claymate of the Month" :D

A busy week full of good times..... yes, please, and thank you!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Thank You TAOS!

I just arrived back home in Durango after a great weekend in Taos, NM. I gave a workshop at Taos Clay and managed to squeeze in a few amazing hikes and got a taste of some authentic New Mexican food! Thanks to Logan, Katie and all the good folks at Taos Clay for making me feel at home.

Here are some more workshops offered by Taos clay this summer.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Kickin' back

With my Onggi and Carved porcelain workshop at Taos Clay just around
the corner and an Anagama firing on June 18th, things have gotten a
bit busier around the studio. It's been great to get back to the
Onggi wheel, something really great about the pace and feel of a kick
wheel. I always think of something my friend Scott Roberts says
about using a kick wheel; "it's nice to be able to actually hear the
clay passing over the rib without the hum of an electric motor", a
small detail but somehow it really adds to the overall experience and
makes for a more relaxed (if this word can be used to describe Onggi-
making) time in the studio.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Recent work...

Fired in Scott Parady's Anagama, January 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Good Culture!

A recent batch of personal sized Onggi fermentation jars. With our
first date at the Durango Farmer's Market rapidly approaching (May
15th) I've been making work with a bit more of a practical,
functional and food related use. With all the amazing farmers
offering up their beautiful produce I thought it only made sense to
make some pieces to store and ferment it in. As for practicality,
I decided to make these Onggi jars a bit smaller, 3/4 gallon,
perfect for trying new recipes. I'm really looking forward to
seeing these forms put to use for their original purpose!